If you are not running enough, or you are not eating healthy enough; sooner or later, you will come across heart issues that will sooner or later, lead to your eminent death. However, recent studies have shown some newest natural remedies that can assist you in better managing your heart. And you would be surprised as to how easy they are all to come by:
1. Vitamin D: Back in March, there was a study conducted that postulated that if your bones are strong and well built, the risk of heart failure will also reduce. While this study was conducted on a much smaller specimen (mice), you can indeed take it to heart as the internal neurological and circulatory system of a mouse and a human are quite identical. How does vitamin D help? It is simple:
a. During heart failure or artery clogging, there is an abundant chance that a scar will be developed. However, with Vitamin D, it is possible to remove the scarring and thickness of the heart tissue which can further assist you in maintaining a better heart.
b. When Vitamin D was introduces in mice bodies, its interaction with a particular hormone that resides in the cardiac colony was studied. Why? There are special cells called the cCFU-Fs that are generated that are responsible for the growth of scar tissues.
The vitamin D blocks these cells and in turn lowering the risk of heart failures.
While its effects have now come to the surface, it is still hard to establish a more fundamental evidence to support the influence of Vitamin D. However, you can be optimistic, as this has given hope to many of us and will continue to go on.
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2. Beetroot juice: If you or your loved one have recently have tackled the test of heart transplant, you have to rely on the best lifestyle to make sure that your blood pumping organ is safe for the future. While there are many types of drugs that assist with the same, you need to rely upon natural remedies to get a better and risk free treatment. To that end, there was another study conducted in Indianapolis which suggests that the use of beetroot juice increases the exercise capacity in the patients with heart failure. This test was specifically conducted on the patients that were suffering from reduced ejection fraction:
a. It is a condition where the ventricles do not contract and expand efficiently.
b. This causes the heart to be unable to efficiently oxygen rich blood properly.
c. As a consequence, there is trouble with breathing.
The result of beetroot application was phenomenal. It was found that via the ingestion of beetroot juice, the amount exercise ability of the heart increased and oxygen was better transmitted throughout the body.
With these two recently discovered natural remedies, it is easy to understand as to why they will be helpful after you get a heart transplant in India. If you want to access more information about this, you can get in touch with Healboat. We will intimate you with the best doctors and the best services to make sure that your heart will be always at an amazing state.