Every person suffering from sickle cell anemia is required to consume the balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables along with grains, proteins and nuts. Moreover, the calcium and green leafy vegetables shall be included in your diet.
Food is the fuel for our body that helps it in working properly and active. Only the rights kind of fuel can make the engine work in the required manner. Similarly the body of the sickle anemia patients requires the perfectly balanced diet in order to stay strong and fight back efficiently. In the coming section of this article we will take a look at the various constituents for the ideal diet of sickle cell anemia patients.
Before moving forward to the diet let us have a quick glance at the meaning of sickle cell anemia. It is an inherited red blood cells disorder in which there is an absence of the healthy red blood cells to carry the adequate oxygen throughout your body. In the normal patients the red blood cells are flexible and round, moving easily through your blood vessels. When the patients suffer from this condition their red blood cells take the shape like sickle and become rigid and sticky. As a result of irregularity the small blood vessels can become blocked or the flow of oxygen and blood is slower down.
Sickle Cell anemia diet
When a patient suffers from this condition their body is in increased need calories and micronutrients (e.g., vitamins and minerals). The diet rich in below-mentioned shall be constituents shall be consumed by patients-
Nutrients- When the patient suffers from this condition his nutritional consumption becomes low due to which the patient becomes weak and underweight. Thus, it is important for them to intake nutritional items. The quantity of nutrients in their diet must be 3 times the normal recommended nutrients in order to prevent severe and frequent crises.
Calories- The people suffering from this condition specially the children require more calories in their diet to help their body to fight infection and generate new healthy blood cells to replace the damaged ones. Thus the items rich in calories shall be consumed.

Say hydrated- When the patients remain dehydrated for the longer duration the sickling of red blood cells increases. Thus, the patient must make sure to remain hydrated and consume as much liquid as possible.
Vitamin and mineral - Individual suffering from sickle cell anemia usually have low level of minerals vitamin A including the vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc. Due to these deficiencies of antioxidants there is increase in the risk of disease symptoms. Moreover, in the studies it has been found that consuming the vitamin and mineral supplements along with high–dose antioxidants can reduce the percentage of sickle red blood cells.
Omega–3 fatty acid supplements- The supplements of omega–3 fatty acids can improve the membranes of red blood cells and may decrease effects of the disease. It is being found that omega–3 fatty acid with fish oil can play a role in the reduction of painful episodes requiring hospitalization.
Also Read: Treatment options for sickle cell anemia